While WoW's quest diversity has improved over the years, there's still the endgame grind where you have to farm one resource or another to keep up with the power creep. It's an MMO, though, and there's no getting away from the fact that all MMOs are grindy to a certain extent. But even then, most quests follow the same formula of killing X number of enemies, running halfway across the zone to hand it in, only to get sent back to the same area for the next objective. Vanilla WoW is also known for not having enough quests to get to max level, especially before patches introduced more. There's no getting away from the fact that all MMOs are grindy to a certain extent.

Or killing wolves, or sheep (if you can find them) or Lost. There is nothing exciting about running to an area, looting X number of chests, and running back again. There are points where you'll find a shortage of regular quests to complete, though you do have access to the Town Project missions-I just wish the objectives were a little more varied.

I've previously mentioned how grindy New World felt during the open beta, and that feeling is still present in the live game. It certainly has promise and that sense of community will hopefully mature as the server populations settle down. It wasn't difficult to find groups either, and the faction-specific chat helped with that. Both of those felt quite clinical, with very little chatter, though that's to be expected with lower-level content.

It doesn't feel like there's quite the same sense of community present in New World, though admittedly I've only done a couple of expeditions. It was much easier to get into groups if you made friends or joined a guild, and your individual reputation went a long way to determine whether or not you would be invited back. Old-school WoW had a similar system, adding a sense of community among players. The other alternative is to use the in-game chat to find players to party up with. Likewise, if you're part of an active company. If you're playing with friends, problem solved. If you want to do dungeons in New World, you'll have to find people to group up with you. (Image credit: Amazon Game Studios) Community challenge